Astronomisch Fysisch Onderzoek Nederland

Aspects of our research

The main subjects .

Do we live in a 4D spacetime?

  • Many physicists conjecture that fundamental properties of our world cannot be explained without extra dimension(s)
  • The “schadow” of the extra dimension manisfests itself by topological changes.
  • An example is the holographic principle

The new topology

  • Black holes are the most mysterious objects in our universe. There is evidence that primordial black holes could be formed in the early stages of the universe. This area will be close to the Planck scale, where quantum effects will take place.
  • The quantum gravitational treatment of the black hole can be reformulated by the antipodal boundary condition


Quantum mechanics and general relativity describe exceedingly accurate the small-scale physics, i.e. the sub-atomic elementary paricles and the large-scale world.

Black hole physics and the paradoxes




Higher-dimensional world




Cosmic strings


Great thinkers

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible”. (Einstein}

“If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t” (Feynman)

Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers” (Wheeler)

“Any particle behaves in a complete deterministic way, even though its behavior cannot be completely determined by any known observational technique” (’t Hooft)

Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else” .(Schrodinger)

Dr. R.J.Slagter

Dr. P.G.Miedema
Dr. A. Paliathanasis
Dr. B.J.Oranje
Dr. B.Imtiaz
Ir. D.Masseling
Dr.A.Pushp, FRAS
Drs. A.Golov